Time: How are you, brother?
Man: From your wounds, I am trying to recover.
Time: These are not wounds. These are lessons.
Man: But these are driving me into depression.
Time: You have also seen the best of times.
Man: No, I have faced hardships oftentimes.
Time: Oh! But those were just a few teasers.
Can’t you see they acted as tweezers?
Man: Tweezers? I did not get you.
Time: Its simple. They developed you into a new you.
Remember, you may not pass every test I give.
Man: That means, with failures I need to live?
Time: Stop seeing the negativity in the failure.
Man: What is positive about failure?
Time: It has helped you to let go your ego and pride.
Man: Your explanation seems pretty justified.
Time: I will also help you recognize your real friends.
Man: I know I will be left with one or two people in the end.
Time: Every time make new mistakes instead of repeating the old.
Man: Thank you time. Your words have helped me to turn bold.