Tuesday, 29 March 2016

I loved you..

I love you since we became friends,

You smiled and said the feelings are same,

But I never knew you always had a backend,

 Hmm,that's okay, it's me who is to be blamed,

I laughed and blushed every minute we spent,

 Now,you have put my trust on a strong flame,

I know, I know this is a common trend,

Talking like this sounds too lame,

Its okay, things in life do have bitter end,

Dont worry, I won't make any insurance claims,

Because that would mean asking a beggar for a dividend.

Saturday, 26 March 2016

The Gift of Nature

She loves me more than anything in this world,

And when she is angry she acts like an underworld.

She scolds me for my wrong doings,

To prevent my life from all the ruins.

She cares for me more than anyone can do,

How much I love her, she has no clue.

She helps me with all her efforts in my work,

She is the best artist who is always at work.

She is hurt, when I shout at her,

Due to this, tears make her eyes blur.

She forgives me even without my apology,

But, God won't forgive me ever after millions of apology.

I love you Muma, and I know this is a Bollywood line,

You are the best mother and you are my lifeline.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Yes, I am differently-abled

 No! Don't look at me with pity,

 Yes! I too am pretty.

I don't have eyes to see,

But the world is more beautiful to me, I guarantee.

I don't have hands to work upon,

Still I hold my dreams with pompon.

I don't have legs to run and swim,

I won't let it put my future in dim.

I may not be able to speak,

And therefore, whatever I write is unique.

I may not be physically perfect,

 But all these abilities provide me a special effect.

Appreciate me for my small efforts,

And I promise someday I will be an expert.


Life challenges every single second,

Hard work, courage, honesty will be your weapon.

Every challenge makes you grow,

Welcome every challenge with a hello.

Life may pull you backwards,

But it is actually teaching you to move forward.

Every challenge will be a lesson,

Consider this to be a blessing.

Every challenge won't lead you to success,

Don't let failure stop your upcoming progress.

Challenges are not meant to destroy you,

They are meant for you to breakthrough.

Challenges turn you into to a new person,

Fighting for it, you are developing into a new version.

Friday, 18 March 2016

If you..

If you make me cry, you can't be happy,

Because of the tears, you have given me as candy,

If you ignore me, you cant get attention,

Because of unanswered calls, you have given me tension,

If you block me from your account, you won't be added,

Because of you, I have been the saddest,

If you hurt me for someone, you won't smile ever,

Because I loved you from my heart forever,

If you think I miss you, you are mistaken,

Because after your rudeness, I have awakened,

If you plan to come back, forget about it,

Because I am very happy after our split.

Thursday, 17 March 2016


Seasons are the best lessons taught by nature,

Every season acts as a new teacher.

A lesson that every thing should change,

Every season comes and acts strange.

We change and try to adapt,

These few things are a matter of fact.

Season shows good times are no farther than bad times,

All we need to do is just relax sometimes.

Don't worry every year things rot and go worse,

Don't consider this adversity to be a curse.

Always remember the fresh morning is on its way,

Till then just enjoy the smell of decay.


Dreams are the silent wishes,

To fullfill them you need to be ambitious.

Dreams can be big or small,

While every second you waste just try to recall.

Dreams never die a natural death,

While every time you fail just  take a deep breath.

No dream is stupid or unachieveable,

Change your view to it to make it look more achieveable.

Live every second working towards your dream,

The success you achieve is the tastiest cream.

When one dream breaks, analyze your mistakes,

Try giving your dreams a completely new shape.

Monday, 7 March 2016


Life will never always be a cake walk,

Then why to be covered in an angry frock?

Things cannot be always in your control,

Then why let anger take over your control?

You will be left alone atleast once in life,

Then why let anger slew your life?

God will test your patience from time to time,

Then why let anger make you weak every time?

Things will get back to normal soon,

Then why let anger make yourself regret every noon?

Every shot of hard work will not always be successful,

Then why let anger make every chance turn unsuccessful?

Friday, 4 March 2016

Happy Anniversary

Twenty Five years of Togetherness,

You have handled every moment with expertness.

I am so proud to be your daughter,

I pray, each day your relation gets stronger.

Thank you, papa, your love is priceless,

Thank you, maa for all your sacrifices.

You both will always be the best husband and wife,

And for me the best stars of my life.

It is because of your compromises,

My life has always been full of surprises.

Happy 25th anniversary maa papa!!

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Stop Complaining

Ever spent a day without complaining?

Ever spent a day just praising?

Appreciating other things or people is difficult,

Then why listening to our own faults is difficult?

Try spending a day without being judgemental,

Promise yourself, whatever be, you will be gentle.

Jot down the things you are grateful for,

First be the change you are looking for.

Life is simple without complains,

Don't think every situation is a pain.

Smile, appreciate, being happy is not that difficult,

Try learning to adapt, it's not that difficult.